and Attractions on the Berlin-NS-Tour "World Capital Germania" (Planned to last 4 hours with a car. This version starts in the diplomats quarter around Rauch street. The list does not mention the general attracions on the route. The tour has the advantage of showing the main and most beautiful attractions of Berlin at the same time! If a tour can comprise all listed objects is subject to the traffic and delays wished by the visitors.) |
Embassy of Yugoslavia and Ministry of Occupied Eastern Territories (Rosenberg) | |
Embassy of Norway | |
Embassy of Denmark | |
Embassy of Spain (Franco) | |
Tiergarten ("Animal Garden": site of last entrenched battles with the Zoo-Flak-Tower [anti-aircraft-bastion and bunker]) | |
Column of Victory, commemorating the wars 1864, '66, '70/71 resp. the foundation of the "Second Empire", placed by Speer on the "East-West-Axis" | |
Moltke-bridge (site of the beginning of the battle for the Reichstag, where the red flag was to be erected) | |
Reichstag and site of the planned "Great Hall of the People" resp. the main square of the "World Capital Germania" | |
Soviet Honorary Memorial with two T-34-tanks | |
Brandenburg Gate (site of the triumphal torch march of the SA on the day of the seizure of power) | |
Holocaust Memorial | |
Führer-Bunker and Imperial Chancellery in the "Ministerial Gardens" | |
"Ministery of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment" (HQ of Goebbels; now Ministry of Social Affairs) | |
Ministry of Aviation (HQ of Göring; "House of Ministries" in the Communist era; now Ministry of Finances; appears in the movie "Operation Valkyrie") and former Prussian Parliament as Casino for fighter pilots | |
"Topography of Terror": Site of HQ's of Gestapo, SS and RSH with unearthed interrogation and torture chambers | |
"The Clou" (venue, where Hitler first spoke in Berlin 1927; housed Nazi-propaganda-institutions; rallying-point for Jews) | |
HQ of "Organisation Todt" (building of "Reichsautobahnen" and defensive structures, with Nazi-eagle still on top...) | |
Jewish Museum (Daniel Liebeskind) | |
HQ of Publishing House Mosse (partly renewed by famous modern-expressionist Jewish architect Erich Mendelsohn; Mosse: part of the liberal Jewish publishing scene in the "Newspaper-" and Publishing-Quarter) | |
Gendarmen Market (built manifest to prussian tolerance) | |
Hausvogtei-Square (center of Jewish textile industry with memorial) | |
Imperial Bank (now Foreign Ministry) | |
Bebel Square resp. Forum Fridericianum (programmatic manifestation of Prussian Enlightenment and site of the "Burning of the Books" with memorial) | |
New Guard House (Monument to the victory over Napoleon; site for the Nazi-cult of the dead hero and the "Blood Flag"; now monument to victims of war and dictatorship) | |
Lustgarten (site of a propaganda exhibition "The Soviet Paradise", object of an arsen attack of the communist resistance group around Herbert Baum, a Jew, with monument) | |
Medieval Center of Berlin with Church of the Virgin (site of anti-Jewish pogroms in the Renaissance era) | |
Rosen Straße (Street of the Roses: site of the successful protest of German wives against the planned deportation of their Jewish husbands with memorial, and site of the first Synagogue in Berlin 1714 in Heidereuther-Alley) | |
"Barn Quarter" (Jewish Quarter in the 17th and 18th century) | |
First Jewish Cemetery, ransacked by the Nazis, and site of Jewish home for the elderly (rallying point for deportations; famous philosopher Moses Mendelssohn is buried there) | |
Isle of the Museums (with substantial donations by Jewish collectors, especially James Henry Simon) | |
New Synagogue (saved by a courageous Berlin policeman in the "Reichskristallnacht" 9.11.1938) | |
Friedrichstraße (famous amusement-venue in the "Golden Twenties" [1923 - '29]) | |
Reinhardt-Street (Max Reinhardt: famous Jewish theatre director) with typical temple-like Nazi-bunker | |
Invaliden-Street next to Anhalter Station (site of death of Bormann and Stumpfegger) | |
Nazi post office | |
Humboldt-Hain-FLAK-Tower (platform still existing) | |
Jewish Cemetery Schönhauser Street | |
Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (Rosa Luxemburg, the famous Jewish Spartacus leader, murdered in 1919) and Horst-Wessel-House (Horst Wessel, THE martyr of the "Brown Movement", after whom the Nazi-Hymn was called; formerly Karl-Liebknecht-House, KPD-HQ, named after Karl Liebknecht, the significant Jewish Spartacus leader, murdered 1919) | |
Karl-Marx-Avenue (former Stalin-Avenue; main inroad of the Soviet Army under Marshall Shukov) | |
Bunker in Fichte-Street (camouflaged as gas container) | |
Airport of Tempelhof | |
Schulenburg-Ring (site of negotiations between Generals Krebs and Tchuikov in the last days) | |
Potsdamer Bridge (site of significant battles between the Soviet Army and Berlin's defenders) | |
Stauffenbergs HQ and site of his execution (Museum of German Resistance, especially of the "Men of the 20th of July 1944"; appears in the movie "Operation Valkyrie") | |
Site of "Action T4" (Euthanasia) | |
Embassy of Italy (Mussolini) | |
Embassy of Japan | |
Representation of the Krupp-Company (Steel- and Armaments-Producers) | |
with more time the following can be visited: | |
Memorial Church (commemorating as a ruin the desasters of WW II) | |
Site of "Salon Kitty" (espionage brothel) | |
Fair Grounds (Nazi Architecture, appears in the movie "Operation Valkyrie") and early media area around the Radio-Tower | |
Olympic Grounds (1936) | |
Copyright 3.8.2009,, Hilmar H. Werner |